- List of Substance Misuse Prevention Resources For Parents:
- Learn today what you can do to prevent your child from using alcohol and other drugs:
- Bert Welch provided Siouxland CARES with this wonderful contract between you and your child. Use as you wish and Start Talking Today:
- Local Boy Scout, Logan, is working on his Crime Prevention badge! He recommended the following resource for substance misuse information:
Resource Guides
NEW Siouxland Resource Guide:
Other Links
- Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free
- Iowa Department of Public Health
- State of Iowa Home Page
- ONDCP (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
- CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America)
- United Way of Siouxland
- PDFA (Partnership for a Drug Free America)
- ISAIC (Iowa Substance Abuse Information Center)